Upcycle Pringles container to a flower vase

My oldest son and I, love the sour cream and onion flavored Pringles chips. (Who doesn’t ?) Hence we have heaps of these containers at home. When the boys were younger, we would store their lego blocks in them and sometimes we’d make castles, windmills and lighthouses out of them. I have even upcycled the extra-large size containers to store pasta years back. But today, I am sharing another use of it.

I am transforming it into a flower vase. The flowers are from my Dollar tree haul. I have paper mache the outer layer to add some texture and definition, instead of having a smooth surface.

One coat of white acrylic paint, followed by masking and layering colors.

I’ve used pastel shades of green, pink and yellow.

This is an excellent project to try out with younger kids too. Its a full proof project that the kids cant mess up in.

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Bless your beautiful and kind hearts for keeping in touch.

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I am sharing this project with my blog buddies here.

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    • Hi Tracy. Hows your weekend been ? Yeah, I chose these lovely colors but they looked much better mat without the glossy effect from the decoupage finish. I hope you join the link party on Monday.

      • I would join if I had something to post 😂. I do need to start blogging again but I have been stocking my Etsy shop and enjoying the Summer. How is your Summer? Have you been able to enjoy it even with the Covid restrictions?

        • Aww ! I understand.
          Actually Tracy, I’m dreading September ! If and when the boys have to go back to school. Although my boys are older now – but the awful virus is just EVERYWHERE. And just the thought of the boys being susceptible to it or bringing it home is scary. Summer = home = craft world. My little bliss. But honestly, I have to start working from my studio in the basement – and stop the volcanic eruption of supplies on the dinning table !

  1. I was wondering what to do with all those used Pringle cans. They are so sturdy. I’m going to send a link to my daughter-in-law for the boys who she is homeschooling this year. They are 4 and 5 years old. I sat down with them last Christmas and we made mommy and daddy Christmas cards. They were 3 and 4 back then and quite the handful! But they love crafts! Take care.

    • You know, sheryl, When my boys were young, they loved to work on crafts – but between attending the house, meals, laundry, school runs and my own work, I really regret not getting them to explore their arts, more. I was always stressed out and tired.
      Sometimes, I really wonder just how some moms are so perfect in EVERYTHING. They’ll cook healthy meals, make sure the kids have limited Screen time, run thru their homework AND have time to read books to them and work on art projects together. Regardless of whether my boys were good at it or not, children have an innate desire to express themselves thru arts.
      Oh well, maybe now with my grand-kids !

      • Don’t feel bad Naush, my little guilty secret is I didn’t like doing crafts with my daughter when she was growing up for the same reasons. I worked all the time and just couldn’t find the time and now I wish I had of. You are not alone.

        • Everybody tells me, that my boys must be lucky coz moms a crafter and must’ave done loads of crafts with them – we have but not as many as I wish we had. 😦 Thank you for understanding. oh btw – my oldest son is fabulous with foil creations !! The only one to carry “some” of my genes !!

        • Well there’s a positive thing!I know that people mean well when they say stuff like that but are forgetting that now you may have more time for crafts and such being that when your kids were younger there were so many other things you had to do as well. You should put some of his foil creations on your blog unless you have already! And the best genes my kids got from me is my determination:)

    • Thank you Carol. I think, I should have avoided the last decoupage coat. It looked so pretty without that glossy look.

    • yippee, so relieved Kim !! was nervous sharing this post expecting people to judge me for popping those Pringles !!

  2. I am trying my new WordPress pass word so I can comment. I linked up to your party…Thanks for the invitation..I hope this works and I can comment!

  3. YES!! I see that it worked…I do not know if the comment I left on the linky party went through but thank you for the invitation to the party and for visiting my blog and your kind words!! I added your party to my list of weekly parties and will be linking up every week!! Thanks again!

  4. We really only buy pringles when going on vacation (since the chips travel so well that way!) mostly because I just love them and would not be able to stop eating them otherwise. What a great idea to reuse the container. Thanks for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

    • You know what the tag line for Pringles is ? Once you pop, you cant stop !! One of our most regular “travel” items is Pringles and Maggie noodles and Maggie soup sachets. Ain’t no travelling without’em. 🙂

  5. We love our Pringles too. They’re the best for scooping up a delicious dollop of dip, so I’m always on the lookout for new ways to repurpose the cans. Love what you did with this one Naush.

    • Its only now, that I wish I had photographed all the ways we used Pringles can in, when the boys were growing up. Could have made a nice collage of all the uses 😦 but those days, we never thought of uploading such things. But an idea is an idea. They could have sparked something better in someone else’s mind.

    • Glad you liked it Michelle but I’m having second thoughts about that color- perhaps I need to use more neutral colors to make it work with my home decor.

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