Kitchen Garden a.k.a Herb Garden

Hello friends. I have been sharing my journey from a sandlot to a peaceful and serene garden over the last couple of posts. You can view it here :- Final Garden Makeover

I read somewhere ” To plant a seed is to have hope in tomorrow.”  I don’t know how long, we may stay in this house ~ but I know, if any of our trees survive, it will be a source of joy for the next tenant.  I may not be able to enjoy the fruits of the tree but atleast, its something positive and fruitful that I left in this world where greed and consumerism has been a major cause for mass deforestation.

The kitchen Garden

We have a lovely narrow patch in the backyard right behind my kitchen, part of which was being used as my DIY work area ( more like dumping ground !! ) with loads and loads of wooden planks, pallets stacked up and paint cans everywhere.

The dead sandlot


In all my previous homes, we grew all the herbs in pots but this year, I decided to be more adventurous ~ why adventurous ? Becoz herbs don’t survive outdoors in the summer 😦  But I felt it was worth a try. We’ll see.

We bought several pots of baby plants from the nursery in Al Warsan area, which included :- Basil, coriander, Tulsi, green chilli, capsicum, aubergine, okra, green beans and tomatoes,

We also bought a few larger plants which will “hopefully” grow up to be trees such as Fig, lemon, pomergranate and Curry leaves plant.

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After clearing that patch, we decided to use the pallets, to make large rectangle frames.  Three frames were laid next to eachother with a small gap in between. We then  prepared the bed of soil and compost and later had the plants planted.

baby basil
Baby basil


baby coriander
Baby coriander ~ a must in almost all indian dishes

baby special chilli

baby tomaotes
Tomatoes ~ You have to provide a trellis or a system which can support the tomato plants becoz they tend to become very heavy once they start bearing fruits.


cabbage aubergine
Raised bed with Pallets for cabbage and aubergine.

curry leaves

My kitchen garden made with pallets 🙂

DSCF6221 tomatoes and chillis

Quite honestly, it has been just booming since then !! Very little maintenance and we’ve had an endless supply of tomatoes, green chillies, curry leaves and coriander leaves.  All the trees have rewarded us with their first fruits. Yippee !! All the photographs below are of almost 3 – 4 weeks after being planted.

Basil and capsicum




cat in camouflage
Can you spot the lemon ??


CAULIFLOWER and aubergine
At this point, the cabbage started having uninvited visitors ~ green caterpillars.


Cherry tomatoes
These cherry tomatoes were so sweet once they turned red.


The coriander just took off ~ it grew into a bush !!


These are curry leaves.




Can you spot the fruit ? What fruit is it ?


I love the shape of the leaves of this fig plant.


green chillies
Yummy ! Green chilly



pomergranate fruit POMERGRANATE STRAWBERRY tomatoes

tomatoes sprawling everywhere.



And that’s where the fairy tale ends !! Ofcourse, this will not last long. Come May, the heat will dry everything out 😦   We have tied a nice canopy from Ace Hardware above the tree area so that they manage to survive the summer.  In the summer, even a tiny protection from the sun goes a long way .

So from November, right uptil now, April ~ we have been happily blessed with the fruit of our small hardwork.  Not only are the tomatoes more juicy but they are so much more sweeter than the store bought ones.

kitchen garden

If you’re living in Dubai and even if you have only a small balcony to spare, I highly recommend that you plant a few tomatoes, green chillies and coriander in pots. Just remember to give some form of elevation to support the tomato plants. You’ll be surprised and delighted at how quickly the plants grow.

I am sharing my little kitchen garden a.k.a Herb garden with all my friends at their fantastic parties here.

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So glad you visited me today. Come again 🙂








  1. I want to start a garden this year – something I have never done before. It has been so cold in Connecticut that I have had to bring in my lavender and geraniums at night. We just re-landscaped our front yard and it looks beautiful. It will look better if the grass ever grows. We are also thinking of selling are home and moving to Virginia. It is much less expensive to live there and since my husband and I are both retired, financially it makes sense. I think I will have more luck in Virginia with the weather.

    • Patty ~ The quote I mentioned, fits perfectly for you then. How inspirational ~ you might be leaving for Virginia but your still tending to your lawn. How sweet !

  2. WOW~ Beautiful! Love it all. I just planted a couple of herbs and I am excited to watch them grow. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Kathe’s today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Naush…how WONDERFUL!!! I so love your beautiful garden…I have 2 window boxes full of herbs but I’d love to have a large kitchen garden like yours! Thanks so much friend for linking up to Twirl and Take a Bow! ox

    • Hi Robin ~ Thank you for stopping by. Our herbs were also homed in pots in all my previous homes ~ and that’s probably why I was so adamant to put that empty sandlot to some productive use 🙂

  4. Growing fruits and herbs in the garden is so rewarding, and a wonderful teaching aid for our kids. So nice that you are able to give your garden some home roots this year! Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

  5. I really enjoyed seeing all your herbs and I can’t wait until I can start planting. Last year I had a herb garden for the first time ever. I loved how you used your pallets to build individual beds. It looks very nice. Thank you for sharing on the Four Seasons Blog Hop.

    • Terri ~ Just like most of your herbs don’t survive your winters, ours don’t survive our summers 😦 I have a huge pile of pallets and I use them in all ways 🙂 So glad, you visited me today 🙂

  6. Gardening was something that I never really did because we lived in the California desert, By the time I paid the water bill the cost of the garden would have been more than just buying what I needed. However, now that we live in West Virginia,I’ve had a couple of little gardens, mostly herbs and I’m having so much fun with it. Thank you for sharing at Fluster’s Creative Muster.

    • I hear you Robin. We pay a large water and electricity bill too and with summer setting in, we’ll be paying an-even more heavier price becoz the grass would need to be watered for a longer period of time and come June, we’d have to water twice on some days. All my potted plants can survive the heat ( except the seasonals) and can also be placed under the canopy in the backyard ~ but the grass is going to be a challenge ! Lets see 🙂

  7. Your garden looks SO good!!! Our growing season is just starting here in Missouri, USA, and I’ve already planted my herbs, peas, radish and chard. I’ve also set out some tomato and pepper plants. You’re right, home grown are so much better than store bought! I can’t wait until my plants looks as big as yours! Enjoy and thanks for sharing your garden success!!

    • Isnt it strange, how our harsh season has already begun and your planting season has started and yet we can share our experiences never-the-less ! Talk about the world shrinking !!! Thank you so much for visiting me today 🙂

  8. Your garden looks fabulous. I’ve started planting mine, and I have so much area to clean out. I hope it turns out as great as your did. Visiting from Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party.

  9. I am here via Natasha In Oz’s Linky Party to say G’Day Saturday to you.

    It must be quite a challenge to grow plants in your hot climate, I am from the UK where growing herbs for the kitchen is relatively easy by comparison. Your plants have done very well in your raised beds and because your climate is warmer than mine you can also grow plants that do not like the damp weather we have here. Pomegranates, figs, lemons …. how lovely and I do wish you well in protecting these new trees from the high temperatures that your country endures during the height of your Summer.

    Thanks for sharing the fruits of your labour

    Linda 🙂

    • Hi Linda. Thank you for visiting me 🙂 My bestie is from Somerset and she has an allotment and tells me all about the difficulties they face during the wet and cold season 😦 But she also tells about what an amazing taste, the home grown produce, has 🙂

  10. We use PEFC certified European wooden box made from high grade kiln dried Spruce wood. Thickness is 36mm, 2×1 meter size, 50cm height. It is long lasting and very durable against the strong sun and humidity encountered during the summer months in the UAE.

    The cutting edge water saving irrigation and drainage system is a vital aspect in successfully growing fruit and vegetables enabling optimum root irrigation without stagnant water.

    Our British and European certified food graded waterproofing system forbids any Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) transfers. It also offers a safe and durable protection for the box.

    We also provide a unique mix of soil and compost which has been carefully selected for growing in the UAE’s arid climate, along with a proprietary technology to ensure constant moisture in the box.

    Agriculture Box comes in a natural wood finish. It can be painted or varnished to compliment your landscaping décor should you desire. Agriculture Box will enhance any garden or patio. The 36 mm thickness of the box will make it last for many years to come. Easily transportable, the Agricultural Box can move when you do.We provide a turn-key solution, including:

    Rich organic agricultural soil
    Pure seeds
    Additional tap
    Bokashi composting system
    Tea composting system
    Pure organic Chlorella fertilizer
    Delivery and installation

    for more information and installation feel free to contact on
    +971 55 1934 118
    +971 56 1326343

    • Thank you for all the information Mohammad Idrees. It will be very useful in future, if/when we decide to use a composting system.

      • Thanx a lot for your responce. you can search in google about chlorella any how i have collected some info about it.
        We use chlorella as organic fertilizer for vegetable plants and herbs.
        Unicellular algae like chlorella have existed on earth since over 2.5 thousand million years.
        Neither climate changes nor natural catastrophes’ have been able to annihilate them. Chlorella is a
        « champion of survival » and is one of the first forms of life to have occurred. Studies in Japan have shown chlorella may help reduce body fat percentage and may be useful in fighting obesity and weight related diabetes.
        Even NASA has studied using chlorella as the one of first whole foods in space on the international space station!
        Chlorella is such a powerful detoxifier and richest known natural source of chlorophyll, which is known to:
        • Aid you in processing more oxygen
        • Having strong defensive system against oxidative damage by bacteria and viruses and toxic substances such as heavy metals.
        • Cleanse key elimination systems like your bowel, liver, and blood
        • Help purify your blood and clean away toxins
        • Aid you in promoting optimal blood pressure
        • Support elimination of molds in your body
        • Promote growth and repair of your tissues
        • Boosting your immune system
        • Improving your digestion by binding to heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides found in your digestive tract and eliminates unwanted metals and toxins and help in treating ulcers, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and diverticulosis.

        • Enhancing your ability to focus and concentrate
        • Increasing your energy levels and even reverses the aging cycle.
        • Balancing your body’s pH
        • Normalizing your blood sugar and blood pressure
        • Reducing your cancer risk
        • Diminishes bad smells, like a deodorant does (breath, body odours, sweat, urine, stools)Accelerates healing of wounds
        • Removing deficiency of 77 rare earth trace minerals and elements in your body
        • A rich source of essential amino acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, numerous precious vitamins
        • May also help reduce both cholesterol and hypertension.
        • reducing radiation treatment side effects
        • , improving response to flu vaccine, increasing white blood cell counts (especially in people with HIV infection or cancer),
        vitamin B12 from chlorella has a biological effect ten times superior to synthetic vitamin.:) Again thanx for reading…

  11. What a nice garden. We have the opposite problem here, with a short growing season due to cold winters. Often we can’t put in our gardens until the last week in May or even early June! Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!
    Blessings, Deborah

  12. Growing a garden is so rewarding! You have done a marvelous job and I love your thoughts of leaving something nice for the next tenants. Sharing is loving! Thanks so much for sharing with Share Your Cup.

    • Yes Jann ~ your right. It is hard work but its so rewarding when the first signs of the fruit appear 🙂

  13. You have so great looking plants and herbs. I feel it is always best to plant your own if possible. Thanks for sharing your pictures and knowledge. Visiting from Tuesday With A twist Blog Hop! Have a healthy happy day!

  14. Your garden looks amazing – I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

    • Thank you Kathy 🙂 I love my herb garden too ~ but now I’m finding ways to keep it away from the harsh summer sunlight. A canopy is already in place but we need more !!

  15. Congratulations on creating a space to grow some food. Your growing season is longer than ours, and for you it is the heat of summer that is a challenge while we have a long and cold winter break from October to mid-May.

    • Hi Judith. Firstly, you have an a beautiful blog. Second, Lavender Cottage is simply beautiful. Yes, your right, we have such opposite weather issues for our gardens 🙂

  16. Hey – i am so glad I chanced upon ur blog. I was reserching on creating my new garden and love ur step by step and detailed method of explanation.
    I needed a few advices from you on the garden.
    1-What grass should I use – the patches that grow or carpet. And which type like American etc.
    I am looking for something very easy yo maintain and don’t brown patch too mch.
    2- my younger kid is still in crawling n putting everything in mouth stage. So wat pestiside etc should b used and how do we make sure its food quality. Any other precautions. Can I do without t chemicals ? The flys and all
    3 – I am excited bout having a herb garden now. What 5-7 herd and easy vegs can I get. How can I get organic in this and from where to buy
    4 – do I plant in t soil or pots that can b moved. Does the direct sun bother them.
    Request your inputs and your email id where I can get in touch with you. Cas I know I will have so much more to ask as I move along.

  17. I find it very hard to start a kitchen garden, but you make it seem so effortless. I have to get professionals help always. Thanks for the delightful sneak peak into your kitchen garden.

    • So glad you stopped by Sarah. I do have a gardener who helps out with watering the garden sarah. I’m no expert either, just love experimenting with my garden 🙂 Thank you so much for your comment.

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