Upcycled Mason Jars

Let me explain one of the largest problems of being creative and repurposing pantry containers and recyclable goods.

In our household, the husband generally does grocery shopping (thankfully) but if on the rare occasion that I do accompany him, I find myself picking jam jars by the shape of their container or picking a family size cereal box, hoping to repurpose it as a bin or a larger can of chickpeas (for holding my paintbrushes – ofcourse) You get the drift right ?

So after consumption, those bottles, jars, cans and egg crates get cleaned and dumped neatly in a carton/crate (with the rest of their other gazillion cousins)

Now, the REAL issue with creativity in my case, is that it comes in bouts !! Its not a nourishing flowing stream – its like thunderous downpour ! One fine day, I’ll find myself swimming in inspiration, happily and endlessly, dressing mundane objects, organizing or creating wall hangings or designing flowers while for weeks otherwise, I’ll be simply devouring the Pinterest images without any real “action” !!

However, till that day arrives , my ‘crates’ full of recyclables are waiting patiently like an eye sore, for the second phase of their ‘life’ to begin.

Below are jam mason jars, ginger garlic paste jars and even a Starbucks coffee bottle.

This project is also excellent, if you want to recycle scraps of fabric, lace or buttons.

Its very simple and easy. The red flower is made with felt.

I’ve shared how to made flowers with felt here :


Felt flowers tutorial

I would love to hear from you.

Whats your blog about ? Crafts, DIY, Gardening, fashion, crochet, recipes ?

Do you also have a pantry bursting at the seams with cereal cardboards and cans ? Or am I the only odd one out ?!

I’m really glad that you stopped by today.  I hope you stay a while and leave inspired.

Please subscribe to my blog to keep abreast with all my latest posts and projects.

I am sharing this project with my blog buddies  here

I’d love to visit you, lets connect at :-

Artycraftynaush @Instagram  

Naush Samama @Youtube

Doodle Buddies @Facebook

Doodle Buddies @Pinterest

naushdoodles @Twitter

naushthings @Tumblr


    • I spend more time admiring creativity on Pinterest and less in creating !! Thank you so much for your comment, shelbee.

  1. So many potential uses and ways to decorate! You have inspired me to get creative. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging

  2. These are lovely, Naush! I especially like the way you decorated the coffee beverage bottle! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm–pinned!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing with us at the To Grandma’s house we go link party! I’ll be featuring you this week on my blog, Facebook page, Pinterest and Instagram when the next party starts!

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