Pizza Box to Canvas for mixed media 2

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for liking my pizza box canvas in the last post and taking the time to leave all the encouragement in your comments. Being appreciated for creativity is great but being appreciated for applying innovative ideas in repurposing household goods, really give my creativity a huge boost !

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I am driven these days to work on mixed media. I find it the perfect medium for me becoz I get to play around with different elements like fabric, paper, inks, tissue, buttons and whats even great is that with a little bit of prep work (gesso) , you can start your project right after a pizza meal !!! Exactly ~ on the pizza box !!! Earlier I have shown you how you can use a pizza box as a shadow box here and here, and a canvas here.

Today I am sharing my second project in this series. Don’t throw away those cords from rice bags or cat food bags (nuggets) or even the shoe laces ~ Roll them in a circle with a little hot glue on a small piece of round cardboard  and you have yourself a pretty flower. I added a tiny pearl in the center.

The other flowers are rosettes ofcourse (for which you will find many tutorials on youtube ) The last time we visited the tailor for my suits, I managed to get the boys to collect a pile of thin long pieces of pretty fabrics lying around to be dumped !! (what all, my baby boys do to please me !!)  The black and white checkered flower is a result of that collection.

A few paper flowers with pearls glued in them ~ a digi stamp of a vintage clock ~ diecuts of some flowers and swirls ~ are what make this project up. I have used very earthy colors for this project as well. There is no particular technique used in painting except the card technique.

The five blue circular looking stones ~ are a first time for me.  Whenever I try out a new look, I generally ask the boys to get a neutral answer to know if they would/could recognize, the look I was aiming for. In this case, my youngest tells me it looks like blue gems !!  Bingo !!   Wow ~~ Job well done I guess.   Ofcourse this is not my idea.  I was really fascinated by one particular craft artist who had a tutorial to produce the effect of this stone on the side panel. I love this technique and I so apologize why I did not save your blog address, so If you are reading this post, kindly leave me your name and address, I will be glad to give you credit for this technique.

So that’s that !!

This message is something, I have grown up with ~ so it is really close to me and I hope to inculcate this virtue of humility in my boys too. My grandma, (ni ) used to advise us always to strive for the stars but never forget where we stood and never forget our past. It is very profound. Perhaps I never understood the importance of this saying while younger but it helped a lot when success followed me in my career and at some point almost overwhelmed me. Such reminders often times, show up when least expected and you have that  “sparky” moment ~ almost like the Almighty is trying to give you a direct message. I know I felt that way. Have you ever been in a difficult/confusing situation and came across a line or quote that almost felt like you were being guided by the Almighty ?? Please share with me if you have.

Anyways, back to my pizza box. Fotor110422634 Fotor110424111

Recycled materials : Fabric, cord, pizza box, scraps of paper from my stash of DP. DSCF6043






I am linking this repurposing project with the following parties :-

The Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and DreamingSunny Simple Sundays Party at Sunny Simple LifeSundae Scoop at I Heart NaptimeThink Pink Sundays at Flamingo ToesNifty Thrifty Sunday at Nifty Thrifty ThingsIt’sParty Time at Three Mango Seeds,  SilverPennies Sundays at Silver PenniesFrugal Crafty Home Blog Hop at A Blossoming LifeDIY Showcase Party at Minette’s MazeInspired Sunday at Sunday View

I am so glad you popped over to visit me today ! Please leave a line in the comments or subscribe to my post and I’ll make sure, I visit you back too !! Cherish each day ~ its one of a kind !  I’ll leave you with that beautiful thought.

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  1. Oh, wow! This is such a neat idea! I love pizza AND mixed media, so for me this is the perfect project! 🙂
    Thank you so much for sharing at Twirl & Take a Bow–hope to see you again this week!

    ~ Brooke ~

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